Thursday, April 10, 2008

Some more pics.

Myself and some IES people in front of the Casa Rosada in Plaza de Mayo.

This is a picture from inside the Reserva Ecologica del Rio outside of Buenos Aires. But, you can still see the sky scrapes of Puerto Madero in the background.

This is a picture of the Pampa grass in the Reserva Ecologica del Rio. Mom, I thought you would appreciate these! They're as tall as I am and beautiful in the setting sun!

This is El Obelisco in the center of the city. Look familiar?

Although Argentines don't like this sculpture, I think it's interesting! It's called the Flor de Lis and is across Avenida Del Libertador from the Museo de Bellas Artes which has a surprising good collection of impressionist and modern artworks! A good place to go for free on a Sunday afternoon!

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